Let’s assume he plays like he has been lately for the rest of the season - finishes the year with a total shooting % of around 48%, 3 pt % of around 32% and similar other numbers. what will his next contract look like?

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  • ricknadB
    10 months ago

    For what he provides now, the absolute floor is 6-8 million yearly. Unfortunately there is a premium on potential, so I wouldn’t be shocked if another team offered him 10-12 million yearly. I would confidently match that, but anymore than that will start to hurt. Really depends on how he finishes out the season though. If he manages to finish with 10ppg on a TS of 51%-52% that would be substantial enough improvement to put him in the ballpark of 12-15 million yearly. Would really want to stick around those second rubio/smart contracts even with the inflating cap, as inefficient guards become increasingly less valuable in the league.