Hi all!

It’s been a while since we last had a chat. We’re sure you’ve all noticed how reactionary the sub has been recently. And more than a few of you have expressed concern.


So, let’s talk! We hope that you’ll use this opportunity to join in a community-wide conversation. Ask your questions, raise your concerns, offer ideas, etc…


Want to review our rules and offer updates/changes? Go for it!


Have you noticed anything you dislike about the sub? Mention it and let’s work together to offer solutions for the community to discuss!


For what it’s worth, the ability to reply with gifs and pictures in the comments has been enabled.


Recently you asked about adding the polling function to the subreddit. We recognise that having endless polls would lead to a “tsunami of polls”, thus we’d like to discuss Ryan Poles Day(s). We’re thinking once or twice a month we enable the option to use the poll function. What do you think?

Lastly, if you come across content/comments you feel are inappropriate, or break the rules, please hit the report button!


Small side note:

  • @homestyle28B
    17 months ago

    Yeah, so I’m newer here. But the negative comments are a bit out of control, especially when coupled with a lack of good faith dialogue/debate.

    I don’t think anyone expects people to agree with them on their takes, but the amount of “you said this thing I disagree with, so you are a clown, personally” type responses needs reigned in.

    At least for me, it’s made me dial back my interaction on this sub, and is the only sub I’ve ever reported users in.