So I’ve been shopping for an EV the past few weeks, and the last 4 dealerships I went to, the dealers all said the exact same thing. Whichever vehicle I went in to look at, the sales person would say “Oh, I own that vehicle as well, and I love it! I’d show it to you, but my wife has it today.”
Is this just a sales tactic, or a legit coincidence? I suppose it’s not strictly an EV thing, but this is the subreddit I’ve been browsing recently.
I’m confused. Do they not have the vehicle there to show you? I would never buy a car without driving it first. It’s funny how the dumbest little thing may make you dislike a car. I wish I had played around more with the radio/bluetooth on our chevy, (older) because it’s constantly infuriating how clunky it is.