How many times does this guy have to come in and play like ass before you realize his 2-3 good throws a game aren’t worth it. This isn’t a Carr is the guy for 7 years post, but damn the poll the other day voting Jameis as the guy who should start here on out looks foolish.

Reactive people aren’t GMs and HCs for a reason. DA and PC suck add but they’re smarter than anyone on this sub when it comes to the team.

  • StardustBrainB
    10 months ago

    What game did some of you watch? Carr actually looked pretty good before getting injured! And holy balls….Winston’s throws were abysmal!!! Beyond abysmal. He wasn’t even close on ANY of his throws. Frankly the one to Olave should’ve been a pick had it not got tipped. It was a TERRIBLE throw, Winston looked like absolute shit out there. 💩 Carr has plenty faults, he isn’t the direction I want the organization to go right now; but he is definitely better than Winston!!