I just can’t imagine how putrid our offense would be if it wasn’t for him. Simmons is always out, DSJ is more just of an energy/defensive guy. Watford still needs to earn minutes, but Dinwiddie is doing what we need from him.

Now yes, our ceiling can only go so high with him at the 1, but he’s doing his utmost regardless.

I think his pairing with Thomas needs to be a staple within the offense, that way he can focus more on just facilitating. But man, I’m just so glad we got him right now. Steady vet who is a great lockerroom presence. Swiss army knife type of skillset. Good size. I mean, there’s no doubt I want to extend him. Hope he retires a Net.

As long as it doesn’t come in the way of giving Clax his next payday (which it possibly will, so next summer will be difficult to say the least.)

  • Electronic-Doctor110B
    10 months ago

    He’s so valuable on a contender as a third guard. He’s in a weird spot where his value elsewhere would be tremendous. Him in Miami or Philly would be a game changer for them as a third guard