They hired Nathaniel Hackett, Todd Downing, and Keith Carter to lead our offense. These were the masterminds behind the 32nd and 28th ranked offenses last year.

They made 0 effort to upgrade on offense other than replacing Wilson with Rodgers. All they did was get Aaron’s friends and a return specialist. Are Moore->Lazard, Berrios->Cobb/Hardman, MC/Bam/Johnson->Cook supposed to be upgrades. What position on offense are we better at this year than last other than starting QB. They passed on offense in the first round to get a position we are stacked with.

We should not let these guys lead another offseason.

  • Impressive_Milk_B
    10 months ago

    You watch the game today and our no.1 receiver is running wide open constantly. No defense within 5 yards of him on like 6 plays. I don’t understand if our QBs are all on the spectrum, if the QB coaching is single digit IQ, or if there’s some issue I as a lay person am unable to diagnose.