Today’s Panthers-Bucs game is crazy important, historically teams often see a bump post firing their coach and the Bucs are not good. There’s a bit of a buffer where the Panthers can win one game and still give us the first overall but they have a piss easy schedule and I don’t see any chance the Patriots win another game.

The Panthers as well are pretty committed to Bryce Young while I’ve never seen a qb shitshow as bad as the Mac/Zappe situation in NE right now.

  • Drclaw411B
    10 months ago

    Low key, I want us to have the third pick and not the first. It’s the only chance we have to even potentially get Marvin Harrison Jr. I fully expect Poles to either draft a QB and trade down, or trade down twice. But if we have the 3rd then maybe, just maybe, the two QBs will be gone and nobody will offer us low picks in a trade.

    It’s ridiculous that a player as good as MHJ is going to be available, we have two high picks, and it still feels like we have no chance to get him because of this obscene, non-existent rule that “if you have a top two pick, you have to either take a quarterback or you trade down”. I’m so done with this quantity over quality mindset. MHJ is the best player in the draft, and we should be taking him with the #1 if that’s the pick we have.

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