I’m just trying to see if there’s a pattern or just some selection bias going on. From my view, Pete gets undervalued players to overperform and takes high value players who end up underperforming.

EDIT: To clarify- I meant that we signed or traded for and “paid” high value (lots of cash, traded players who ended up being stars, or high picks).

  • blamepaulclubB
    10 months ago

    I think Duane Brown kinda qualifies as a high-value signing that really worked in our favor. But I don’t know if a late 2nd rounder qualifies as “high-value”… All the other high value ones like Adams, Harvin, Dre’mont sucked donkey balls. I’m a bit mixed on the Graham one since he did produce big numbers. Even though he indirectly neutered our offensive line.

    Edit: Oh. and Sidney Rice. Loved that dude.