If u would’ve told me six months ago that we’d have a 7-5 record and have a record better than the bills, jets and chargers this year at this point and Richardson isn’t even playing I ’d say u were crazy. We have one less win than the chiefs rn and I honestly can’t believe it. We could not win another game this season and I’d be pretty happy with the way it went. I’m excited for the future of this team y’all. It feels like the first real glimmer of hope since rivers after the luck era. JT and AR coming back are gonna elevate this team to a new level. I’m excited to be a colts fan y’all. Now if only irsay can find a way to get MHJ I’d be so happy lol. But I’ve gotta say I’m pleasantly surprised rn because I expected us to go like 8-9 at best before the season started

  • @kaikajoB
    17 months ago

    I love the vibe of this team right now. But we could be easily 5-7 with a harder schedule. We dodged the 9ers, Eagles, Bills, Dolphins, Chiefs, Cowboys, Lions …