Hello! I’m Dirazi

I haven’t played R6 in a several years, I’m talking last known played ranked season was Y4S3I wasn’t even a good player, averaging high silver low gold, got lucky once queing with an entire squad on season and placed Plat.

I lost interest in the game and put it down to move on to new things since I was sitting at 695 hours played on steam. Today, 12/3/23 I tried to log in to R6 and found a prompt stating my profile had been permantly banned for mutiple cheating instants. I have never cheated in R6 before, I know everyone has heard this line but seriously, I’ve always known r6 to have decent anticheat and wouldn’t risk such an old account for something so stupid, I mean hell I have Black Ice on quite a few characters and had no desire to fake my way through the ranks, much more never did… My last season placed was Silver IV, What gives? Did players get banned for a random reason in the last 5 years while I was gone?

Pretty disappointed to discover my account has been erased.