Let me just start with a transparent clarification: I don’t work for South Park, I don’t work on Snow Day, I don’t have any inside leaks or anything; I’m just a huge fan of the whole franchise that’s done a lot of research.


Q: Is Snow Day a mobile game?

A: No. It will only be released on PS5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch & PC.


Q: Is Snow Day freemium?

A: According to ratings boards, no, there’s no indication Snow Day will have micro-transactions.


Q: Is Snow Day online only?

A: No. Snow Day is a completely single-player experience if you want it to be. All the co-op is completely optional, and is just there to offer a new way to play. You don’t need to connect to the internet or find lobbies in order to play.


Q: What gameplay genre is Snow Day?

A: Based on the footage we’ve seen, it’s still an RPG. There’s gross out/bleed status effects, as well as healing. There’s also a whole weapon system, similar to Stick of Truth. The main difference will be switching from turn-based combat to Hack N’ Slash style combat.

Also, New Kid can jump now & there’s a lot of plank bridges between buildings, so definitely some platforming elements too.

It is NOT a 4V4/teamVteam battle arena. The only online aspect seems to be being able to play the story with a friend from another country.


Q: Who’s making Snow Day?

A: Most people know Question Games, a small dev company, is working on the game.

What some people may have missed is that Matt, Trey & South Park Studios have heavy involvement with the game, potentially more so than they had with Stick of Truth or Fractured But Whole.

They actually set up a dev group/area for South Park Digital Studios inside the actual show’s studios in preparation of making Snow Day.

In short, Matt & Trey seem to be more involved than ever.


None of this is to point & spout “you’re wrong”, I had a lot of the same misconceptions initially, and I’d be really bummed out if it were online only or teamVteam, but thankfully it isn’t. And I’m obviously not saying you HAVE to buy it if you don’t like the look of it. But a lot of people are seeing the wrong thing & kinda running with it; I’m just hoping to clear things up & get people more excited about another South Park game. Thanks for reading, buddahs, guys & fwiends.

  • Horror-Yard2231OPB
    1 年前

    In terms of visual style? No, this game is switching from the show style to claymation-inspired 3D.

    In terms of gameplay style? It seems to be similar, but definitely not 1:1. Still an RPG, but a different combat system, as well as platforming.