Its every season we have two or three games where we lose to some shitter team. Nothing disgusted me more than Johnson cellying a TD being blown out in the fourth. Dude has been a clown all season but that’s where a good coach would step in.

As long as he doesn’t have a losing season, a lot of fans will be happy. Pretty sad tbh.

  • FreddyDontCareB
    10 months ago

    Like most things in life he’s not all good and not all bad. Life is lived in the gray area. Generally speaking he’s a good coach, but he’s out of touch with what a modern NFL offense needs to be and he’s bad at hiring assistant/position coaches, and to compound it he’s far too loyal.

    Personally I thought he should’ve moved on when Ben and Colbert retired. Start fresh all around. And I definetly think his seat should be raging hot if he loses to the pathetic Cards and Pats in back to back weeks when they have everything to gain by beating them.