In shooters I can usually do pretty well and average about 1:1 kd ratio. Sometimes I absolutely clutch it and others I’m dead on arrival.

In soulsborne games I never take more than 10 tries on any boss for the first time and this extends to soulslike. But in PvP in these games I find myself ganked pretty hard. I feel like some mechanics are pretty whack though and I never really focus on some mechanics I would consider exploiting. I do win some fights against non cheaters/exploiters but again it’s about 50/50.

In other rpg’s I don’t find myself ever really having a hard time. I’ll die a few times to hard bosses but never really hit a wall or anything.

In grindy types of games I just end up losing interest trying to find optimal loot to get to that next level. I just don’t like those time sink types of games (looking at you Destiny). I lose interest in games like Diablo pretty quickly too.

I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a casual gamer by any means but neither am I a sweaty hardcore player. I can beet darksouls with many builds but I’ll never speed run it or no hit it or play the game on donkey Kong bongos or ddr pad or anything like that.

I like myself a challenge and usually meet it in what I would call a reasonable amount of attempts.

Am I just an old man casual, actually good at games, sweaty but lacking skill… I don’t know!? I just feel like a totally average gamer who is willing to learn mechanics and pass the learning curve for more difficult games.

What is that? What would you call me?

BT dubbs, the only game I ever actually put down for being too difficult was Sekiro. It was fun and I’m sure if I kept trying I could platinum it but ultimately I just kind of lost interest in the amount of effort it took. I may revisit someday when I have more free time, but by then it may become a relic lol.

My favorite thing to do is play soulslike games, master the few first areas and start new characters over and over again with different builds. I do like beating the game but I really love mastering the first few areas before they get too difficult and exploring using all the different mechanics before finally settling on one that will break the rest of the game.

  • trashboatfourtwentyB
    11 months ago

    The world is brimming with judgement and condescension, no need to self-inflict. If you are having fun, do your thing