I’ve been in bronze for a while, although slowly but surely climbing, and there’s a lot of infuriating things that the team does, but I generally keep my cool. I know where I’m at and what’s gonna happen.
But… one thing that never fails to make me absolutely infuriated (internally, I don’t flame) is when Illari’s healing beacon is just right in plain view. Like, I turn the corner, there is a team fight going on, and I swear people are shooting AROUND the beacon that is just chillin right in the middle, in plain view, all the time. Of course I kill it (depending on distance and my character’s ability), but I swear people just don’t seem to know what it is or that you’re supposed to shoot it. They will pump into the tank as it’s being healing by two support and the beacon and leave the beacon alone.
I guess what I’m trying to say, is that the beacon is super weak. Just give it a nice shot. The rest of your damage will have more value.
Hold up now, did you just say you keep your cool, and you understand what to expect in bronze?
Are you Human?