I cannot believe some of the posts and comments I’m hearing from fans out in the open. It’s almost like some of these people saw 1 loss and then decided they’d rather be wearing Browns hoodies instead of the proud Red and White apparel the floods the bars every Sunday.

I know we all hate losing to Denver, but even the Eagles lost to the Jets this year; it happens. Under dogs win, people have bad days, punts get dropped, passes don’t get caught. It’s just part of the game. And it wouldn’t be fun if we won all the time, there has to be some danger in every season.

If you are calling to fire Spags, Big Reid, or trade players over yesterday’s loss than you need to get a grip and remember that these guys have brought us(For the most part) a full decade of record breaking NFL success since 2012. And we’re all sitting here criticizing them 1 loss…admittedly it was a bad loss, but if Denver can lose by 50 points to the Dolphins and still make the best of a bad season and hang on to beat us, then we can lose to Denver and hang on to beat the Eagles, Fins, and Bengals.

Have faith.

I’m wearing my Chiefs hoodie, jersey, or coat every day this week. Including to my company retreat with is deep within Detroit as a show of support for our team.

  • kerouac5B
    11 months ago

    I don’t think anyone needs fired (except maybe CEH).

    However, there are a few threads that keep popping up here:

    1. receivers have the drops. they just do; it’s unarguable.
    2. whether this is a function of the above or not I can’t say, but Patrick is overlooking open receivers. A lot. maybe he doesn’t trust them because of the above? dunno.
    3. the play calling is not conducive to fixing 1 (above).