Been seeing this narrative quite a bit lately - that we play down to the level of our opponent. That might be true, but here is another perspective. Players and coaches in the nfl are the best at what they do. Their entire lives are spent being vetted for these positions. Every play they execute/call is scrutinized and re-watched. Data scientists and the top technologies are used to dive deep into every situation. Let’s just assume that these people are not bad at their jobs. Instead of “playing down”, I think what might be happening is the Bills are using their limited time to build a team and game plan for the opponents we need to beat… aka the Dolphins, Chiefs, Bengals, Eagles ect. We are probably not spending as much time cultivating our strategy/plan/personnel for the teams we are not necessarily competing with. This means that we are going to have some wonky weeks against poor teams because guess what these poor teams are doing? You guessed it… building their entire program to beat us. We see it all the time in the nfl - every team is made up of pros, “bad teams” beat “good teams”. We just saw it last night with the Broncos (yes even though MaHomes was sick).
All I’m saying is let’s give the staff and players a little more credit and not assume that our window is closed because we have faced some adversity early on in the season.
That being said, feel free to shame me if we continue to look like inconsistent garbage against the Bengals, Chiefs, Eagles, Dolphins and Cowboys.

  • Backpacker46B
    11 months ago

    I think it is as simple as: Bills went to London too late. Tired and got beat. Lost two key defensive guys. Lots of killer Penalties. Lost by less than a TD. Bills played Giants without three key defensive guys. Penalties. Allen hurt his shoulder. Offense suffered. Lucky win. Bills played NE without 4 key defensive guys (adding Oliver). Allen uninspired and shoulder still hurting. Bills lose because defense was 2nd team and tired at the end. Bills adjust in short week and shorten up the passing game and play calling. Offense plays disciplined scheme against a good defense. Bills defense does enough to stop a struggling TB offense, tires out at the end, and lucks out in the Hail Mary.

    Summary: Allen blew Game 1 by not being patient. Games 2-4 were kick ass. Then injuries to D in games 4, 5, 7 with loss of discipline bringing penalties games 5-present and injury to Josh shoulder mixed in starting game 6.

    They play as best they can against every team depending on personnel available. They (especially Josh) just need to stay mentally and emotionally up for every game. And no doubt all teams, whether contenders or champions scheme and play extra hard to beat Bills for a statement win.

    Go Bills! Stay healthy/get healthy. Beating Cinci would be damn good medicine.