The bulls may not have a surefire All Star on their team, but I do think it is a very talented squad. Just talent that is spread throughout the roster.

With that being said, I really don’t see Billy Donovan being able to manage all of these tools appropriately. I think he’s too laid back and this squad is yearning for someone to push them to their limits. I also think this squad isn’t a good fit for him either. He would be more suitable with a superstar and a surrounding cast as opposed to a multi-tool roster.

I’m not too familiar with Doc Rivers. I know he’s a “players’ coach” and maybe that could be what the Bulls need. Obviously he has plenty of experience at the highest level and can win. But what do y’all think?

  • CaptainBananafishJrB
    11 months ago

    Doc Rivers is not a good fit for any squad. The game left him behind a long time ago.