I know I’ll get push back for making this statement but I honestly don’t think Shanahan will ever bring us a SB. Mainly because of three things. His ego, his lack of mental toughness, and his over commitment to the run game.

  1. His ego is through the roof and he is stubborn. Everything revolves around his scheme and his scheme only. This is someone who said no to Brady during the 2020 offseason because he did not want to give Brady any sort of control with the offense. If u saw how much say-so Brady had in Tampa when it came to the offense or the personnel then it’s clear that it was never going to happen here with Shanahan coaching the team. He doesn’t ever learn from his mistakes either and just insists on doing what he wants. This guy blew a 25 point lead in the SB due to his play calling as an OC, did the same thing on a smaller with a smaller lead a few years later, blew another 10 point lead in the NFCCG two years after that, then ran play action on our very first drive of the game despite playing against the best DL in the league while their legs were fresh

  2. His mental toughness when it comes to coaching sucks. There is a reason why he is 0-36 while trialing by 8+ points in the 4th. Sure no coach’s record is going look great with that statistic but it is pretty telling about the type of coach he is. When things go according to plan, he excels. The problem is when there’s a wrench in our game plan, he can’t make the adjustments needed and find a way to win. Say what u want about the Chiefs and the Eagles winning ugly but at least they find ways to win when things aren’t going as planned.

  3. He loves the run game, too much in my opinion. The main detriment of this is the OL selection. Shanahan wants a very specific type of offensive lineman, agile linemen who can run block. This comes at a cost of our pass protection though. Shanahan would rather stick with “his guys” who fit the scheme over talented pass blockers. Someone like Dawand Jones would’ve been amazing for us but due to his lack of agility and run blocking ability, no way Shanahan would look his way. As a result, the right side of our OL is terrible in pass protection and that’s a recipe for disaster in today’s league. Sure the run game is important but this is a passing league and all the SB winners from 2016 onwards had at least solid pass protection

TL;DR: Shanahan is who he is and won’t change. His stubborn ego, his lack of mental toughness, and his over commitment to the run game holds us back. I honestly think our talent has surpassed our coaching at this point

  • trainwreck42B
    11 months ago

    No. Google the Dunning-Krueger effect and apply it to your ability to evaluate coaching staff.