My partner has a small candle brand.

We’ve done a few offline events (markets) and they do really well. We’ve also got them stocked in a local candle shop that sells high-end and local brands. And we’ve been getting the odd sale there too.

Aside from approaching more offline stores, how do we start to properly grow?

We’re in a country where people don’t buy from websites, they buy from your Amazon store (well, the local Amazon equivalent). And the rules behind the SEO and algorithm are shady. Basically pay them money and you’ll rank high…

We create content on social media, but it’s just not getting any traction.

Any advice or ideas welcome.

  • DiscoMonkeyzOPB
    11 months ago

    Yeah I’ll try and find something similar. The shop we currently work with we have a 65/35 split with them which I understand is about normal?