Even as a laker fan i never thought Zubac was a great player like they kept painting him as. While he has occasional great performances he just does not bring anything more than offense. I’ve been a huge fan of plumlee since his stint with the nuggets and think he is a very underrated center. This isn’t about my favor of Plumlee. I think he’s a solid 6th man. I just don’t think Zubac is any better than a scoring center off the bench.

  • WernerHerzog69420B
    11 months ago

    You gotta watch stuff that happens off the ball, and you gotta watch defense. Zubac is the 3rd most important part of their offense, and arguably the most important part of their defense. He understands his role, sets good screens, grabs rebounds, makes the right play, and scares everyone at the rim.

    Mason is a good backup center. He is an awful defender, and any opponent is happy to go up against him. He has a lot of value, but the Clippers are dead in the water if he’s their starting center for the season.