Just finished watching the last episode of Before the 90 days…and I really think Gino needs a simple, ‘down-home’ girl, and not a lavish Jasmine. They’re spending habits are so different, it’s bound to cause problems. She has extravagant taste and immediately wants to change everything in his home, and he doesn’t have the money for it. Meanwhile, she spent $10,000 of his money on a butt-lift? She’s not frugal at al and just wants what she wants. I don’t see this going well. They’re plenty of humble girls in the U.S who would be perfectly fine with Gino’s kitchen, bedroom etcc

  • DPool34B
    11 months ago

    This is one thing that 90 Day has changed my opinion on. I used to think gold digger = bad and that was it. However, someone broke it down really well one season.

    She was asked if she’s with him because of his money. She basically said “yeah, that’s a big reason. Do you think he would be with me if I was ugly? We’re both getting what we want.” I think it was Larissa actually.

    It got me thinking how society makes gold digger a bad word, but a man who’s just with a woman for her looks is just a normal guy.

    So, yeah, guys like Gino piss me off even more now. PLUS, he literally met her on a sugar daddy website. Like WTF did he expect?!