I just witnessed Jimmy G. take a brutal sack on a crucial 4th down, just like Zach yesterday. Jimmy G doesn’t have the same excuse about the weather or the offensive line either, and he’s playing with one of the best wr of all time. I’m no Zach apologist, but does anyone expect Jimmy G to get the same beating Zach took for his 4th down sack yesterday? I sure dont.

  • spectral_mutantB
    11 months ago

    Wilson is doing well. It’s a team sport. Tom Brady,Ben Rothlesberger,John Elway,Mark Sanchez…they all had what ? AN OFFENSIVE LINE as well as STARTING CALIBER depth. The Lines are everything in football. Look at the Jets Defensive Unit. The Line has GOONS. They’re powerful and they’re coached well by Brich. The backfield? they have guys who bagged groceries at Food Lion starting and making plays when a starter goes down!!! No disrespect to guys like Tony Adams but dudes like that are the dudes who carry the team on their backs. Wilson will learn well week to week and everyone needs to trust the process. Jimmy G ? He’s been taught and mentored by Brady. Played on superbowl contender teams. What happens? He shits the bed and is always injured. Trust the process. God bless.