Do you wear makeup? Do you have sensitive skin that makeup irritates?

What are some good products? What are some products to stay away from?

  • nathatesithereB
    11 months ago

    Your mother is very far from the truth. There are plenty of girls who don’t wear makeup. You don’t have to force yourself to use it if you don’t want to. If anything, that’ll just lead you to having a negative association with makeup. She’s the weird one for pressuring you to use it…

    If you do decide to wear makeup out of your own volition, I know a lot of women with rosacea and other skin issues tend to omit base makeup. Or they won’t use foundation, maybe sparingly use concealer under their eyes, and wear blush and stuff. They choose to embrace their skin issues instead of trying to slather products on and cover them up. There are a lot of sensitive-skin-friendly products out there. There are like, makeup/skincare hybrids. I’m sure there’s recommendations out there. If you chose to, you could always go to a doctor/derm and try and figure out what ingredient it is specifically that irritates your skin. But this is somewhat of a hassle, and if you don’t actually like wearing makeup, I’d just say to avoid it haha.

    • dog1029OPB
      11 months ago

      I think I might have rosacea? My cheeks are alway red and people will say “why are you blushing?”, I’m not. It’s just always like that.