I’m really confused on what our plans for brogdon are. Few days after he arrives in portland, clipper trade rumors appear. Then, I see people wanting him gone but also people who think we should keep him.

Me personally I love Brogdon and I want to keep him but his shot selection has been throwing me off. I mean I understand that your young teammates are probably gonna miss the shot with 4 seconds left on the shot clock, but it doesn’t mean you should shoot with a defender right up your jersey (this happened quite a bit in the past few games). No hate to him though, he’s making me feel confident in this team.

For those who want to trade him, I have 3 questions. Why, When, and Who would we trade for/ who is involved in the trade.


  • natural_lawgB
    1 year ago

    I want to keep him but I’ll make a case for why not. Brogdon is an expert smokescreener and doesn’t want to be here.