I think the biggest culprit (at least for games I’ve played) this year has certainly been Jedi: Survivor. Great game but holy shit it does not warrant 150 GB of space. At all. Considering that Fallen Order wasn’t even 50 GB the fact that it’s sequel had over 100 more is just insane to me. Like, how is that even possible?! Survivor is the best example I can think of but plenty of games are also just eating away at my storage. I only own a few PS5 games (I think about 5-6) and I literally only have 10 GB of free space. So next time a new game comes out, some of my collection will unfortunately have to go on the “shelf” so to speak.

What’s weird too is that the recent Guardians of the Galaxy game was only around 30 GB. Which proves that not all modern games need to eat so much space as they do. So yeah that’s just my little rant about storage. It’s kinda crazy to me that in what seems like the span of just a few years games being around 100 GB is just the norm now. I know I’m about to give some “old man shouting at clouds” energy but I remember when buying an external hard drive was a choice and not a necessity for gamers.

  • TankdroodB
    11 months ago

    I mean storage is also cheaper than it’s ever been. It’s like inflation but for HDDs and SSDs