So I come across a photo I saved from a ‘conversation’ with someone using iMessage (saved to photos). Problem is, I don’t recall with whom I was messaging and now that I’ve figured out a solution to to the problem (reason they sent the photo), I don’t recall who sent me the photo. Am I screwed , or is there metadata of some sort associate with the image that will give me the phone number or email of the message from which I saved it? And because I have hundreds of messages I’m never going to find it manually. Honestly? This is driving me nuts. And I’m more than a little sad because I have the ‘fix’ needed (reason they send me the photo). Is there any data saved that would let me get there from here? Thanks in advance!

  • jbeech-OPB
    11 months ago

    Daughter has a Mac laptop, but not as techy as we are (me and wife), but I’ll ask her look into this, thanks. Meanwhile, have come across a few other photos where it would be nice to be able to get back to the senders, so I am quite hopeful for this working.