Concerned about fan’s reaction to Paolo’s start to the season, so i have this to say…

Second year head problems, quite common. Puts just as much expectation on himself as the fans do. We also saw the head stuff creep in back end of rookie season, he’s worked hard over summer and wants it all to happen now! That’s fine, happens to all the young players with enormous expectations on themselves. He’s missing free throws when there’s nothing technically wrong, working hard on offense to screen for teammates, then teammates not realizing that he has seperated from the screen and found space for an open shot or an open lane to go hard (you can see this is frustrating him) Instead you have the likes of Markelle, Cole, Suggs driving against tall defenders when they should be giving it to an open, with clear runway Paolo or an open Franz in the corner or the arc, who’s positioned for spacing. P5’s defence is improving, he’s staying in front of the ball handler much better already, he has clearly put work into lateral movement on defense, just has to work on better (more aggressive) coverage in the lane. Get across and get that big body in there! You know it’s just in his head atm when you see how long he took to take that 3pt shot from the wing late in the game, he simply thought to much about it and forced it instead of just not thinking too much, like he did earlier when he nothin but netted the 3pt he made. The kid has heaps to learn but the raw talent cannot be doubted, we have seen him take over games In phenomenal bursts. Let’s get behind him and support a 20yold, 3 games into his second season…

  • 2ChrisB
    11 months ago

    Paolo is doing things beyond offense, and we don’t have a weak bench. Others can step up if he’s going to start slow scoring. He needs to expand his offense some, and he’ll be fine. He’s playing D, passing, rebounding, etc. We just need to be patient.