I own a house and two vehicles and have a fairly decent amount of assets. BUT IM DEPRESSED AND NEED TO WORK. I don’t “need” to work clearly. BUT I need a purpose. I have no desire to work for someone else again because honestly, I don’t need to. But I cannot keep doing nothing forever. Since leaving the military I have been a realtor (not my thing), a personal trainer and nutrition coach. Didn’t have fun doing that. I can start a business or take over a business. I can really do whatever I want. But I have no idea. I have traveled almost all of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the Middle East, etc. So traveling is not what I want to do either.

I understand I am very fortunate to be making this much money a month. That being said I need direction and motivation in life. HELP!

  • treetopflyinB
    11 months ago

    How are you able to do all of the exercising, travelling, work etc if you are 100% permanently and totally disabled? Sincerely. My father couldn’t get military total disability even though he got shot in both knees in vietnam and had such debilitating PTSD that he couldnt work, abandoned his entire family and drank/did drugs to cope with it all. And he had a PhD that he never used due to the ptsd. Seriously, I appreciate your service but just wondering how that is possible when other veterans get near to nothing? Sounds like your at least moderately capable if you want to own/run a business.