In the comments under the patch notes I’m seeing a lot of mixed feelings.

While I also have some strong feelings about the matter I want to see was the general consensus is about them,

  • Palegg_BreadB
    11 months ago

    I’m very disappointed. The two most problematic supporters got a slap on the wrist, two got good nerfs, while the rest got nerfed into oblivion.

    Not enough nerfs The main problems with Bap and Illari where their insane survivability, damage, and healing. And almost non of it get nerfed in a substantial way.

    A slight lamp nerf being all Bap got is insane. I genuinely don’t understand why his healing burst isn’t being looked at. He’s still going to have 3 health bars while outputting crazy stats.

    Illari’s nerfs are much better but still doesn’t address the problem of her insane healing output. The REALLY needed to decrease her healing beam because 105hps is way to much. They need to lower the hps and increase the resource. I’m happy about the projectile size being halfed.

    Correctly nerfed

    Ana and Kiriko got good nerfs. These where the main problems people complained about. They’ll still be annoying but not as bad.

    I’m slightly concerned over Ana but I’ll need to play her to form an opinion.


    Despite Lifeweaver being worse than a good portion of the support cast and FINALLY not being complete trash Blizzard decided he was more problematic than Bap or Illari.

    These nerfs are WAY to much. They said his healing was to high but that’s literally all LW does. They created a heal bot character then got mad when he healbotted. I feel so bad for LW players this patch because he’s going to feel bad to play while being banished back to C tier.

    Zen nerfs are good. But in a world where Bap and Illari where barely touched he’s still going to be the worst dps/support. Why play a glass cannon when you could be Bap or Illari.

    TLDR: All this patch did was cement Bap as the best character in the game while removing any support who was getting close to him. LW only got a glimpse at Bap before being sent back to the shadow realm.