Got my new FW 13, AMD, DIY version. It took all of 10 minutes to go from opening the shipping box to having a fully assembled, powered up laptop.

So I built a "whitebook’ Asus Z96J back in like 2008 or so, and it wasn’t that hard but it was definitely not this easy. Opening the packaging was harder than assembling the computer. This was so damn simple, I feel almost cheated. Anyone else ever had this sense?

Incredible engineering on the part of the entire framework team. If FW 16 has even half this level of simplicity yet polish, they ought to sell a billion of them.

  • bufandatlB
    1 年前

    That’s what I expected but now one month of diagnostic with support later I wait for the replacement unit because the Keyboarddeck had a short and took the mainboard and display with it.

    So be happy that it was only 10 minutes. Don’t get me wrong support was great but still would have loved to have your experience.