There are so many items and champs with huge consistent shields in the game yet theres almost no way to mitigate them other than a horrible item on AD assassins.

What happens if you’re playing literally any other category of champion?

Gimp yourself as a bruiser or ADC by building an item without ability haste or hp, or AD or attackspeed?

Completely waste your slow as a tank or support or AP user?

Why isn’t there an anti-shield item for ADCs or APCs? (Shadowflame doesn’t count its just a stat stick that doesn’t actually affect the shield itself)

  • Lopsided_Chemistry89B
    1 year ago

    shields aren’t problem in game right now. stop pretending that every game you play vs shieldbow, seraph, steraks champions with shields in their kit, with enchanters and ivern using moonstone.

    shields are currently fine and balanced.

    if you encounter an exodia team comp relying on shields, then buying serpent fang on any AD champion will be so worth.
    and if your whole team is AP, you should have dodged the game at this point.

    by your logic we should have AD zhonya, AP GA, rammus that reflects spells, MR thornmail, AP IE, AD rabadon…
    and serpent fang is by no means a bad item stat-wise.

    every item has a unique feature and this makes it unique as long as you don’t buy it every game.