Specs: MB: Z87 Sabertooth

CPU: Intel i7-4770k 3.5GHz

PSU: EVGA 600w. Bought new about 4 months ago

Ram: Forgot exactly but it’s something like Corsair 8GB DDR3.

No GPU. I use onboard graphics for now.

I have 1 old hard drive and 1 SSD.

The symptoms are that everything works just fine until about 15 to 16 minutes it completely shuts down on me. No blue screen, no event viewer errors, just completely off. Subsequent restart the PC only lasts for about 1 minute. I let it “rest” and everything repeats like before. The motherboard is old, I’m aware, and very likely giving up on me.

No sign of obvious overheating either. MB and CPU temps all stay under 50C. Touching the PSU and drives it feels colder than body temperature.

I’m not sure how to approach this one.

  • lynet101B
    11 months ago

    Could be buggy firmware (uefi for example), or could be a local hot-spot on the cpu causing overheating (in my opinion more likely).

    Try to replace the thermal paste, and ensure that it covers the entire heatsink. Neither too much nor too little thermal paste is good, but it’s better to have too much rather than too little

    Then try to reattach the heatsink. This should (maybe) work