Due to age the safe bet is Harden.

But realistically I think they both have about three years before the game leaves them behind.

Ben is 27.

He’s about to enter his prime without a jump shot. He’s too busy trying to look busy.

Everyone thought Harden was hurt in BK but he never regained his step in Philly. He demands to run the offense but can’t take the heat after a loss.

So which one leaves the league first?

Probably Harden, he’s got roots in China and love women without a better choice.

But I wouldn’t be shocked if Ben retired after this year. He’s likely be offered 5ish mil from one of the expansion teams, but I doubt he’d be willing to face that kinda heat

  • SomeGuyNamedJohn12B
    11 months ago

    Harden. They love him over there and China would pay him a fortune. So I can definitely see him making that decision sooner than people would think.