For God sake, we already know how to move, sprint, jump, double jump, look around, aim, shoot, throw grenades, switch weapons, heal… and even if we don’t, those things won’t take more than 5 seconds to figure it out while playing!

There’s no need to ask me to shoot 10 targets, and to look up and down 5 times, and to jump here, and run from point A to B… with the cringiest and longest dialogues ever (that no one reads)!

Just get straight to the point, and tell me about the rules and the objective in the game! Or if there are any NEW IDEAS/MOVES, I’d like to learn these as well.

But please… not the basic dumb things that we ALL know already! (You can add basic tutorial mode for new players from the main menu)

There’s a reason why most players skip tutorials and jump into matchmaking without knowing the objective/rules… simply because no one wants to waste 15 minutes playing a longass-boring tutorial!

  • ThreeStoogesFanB
    11 months ago

    I get it, tutorials should be optional. But remember, it may be your 1000th time playing, but it’s someone else’s first.