The thing is their fans cheered aggressively from the outset as though the outcome was already determined. They cheered like they were celebrating a victory already. They cheered for bailout penalties like they were a successful play.

It was fukking obnoxious. But they were so fickle! They all left not when it appeared that the chiefs would lose, but rather when they were no longer certain that the chiefs would win. It was mid 3rd when all the chiefs fan realized that the chiefs might not win and they split. Shitty fans!! Gave up on their team!!

To any chiefs fan lurking in our sub, your fan base sucks. You quit! I hope the you never win another game and then you can put your hats, coats, and jerseys in your closet and root for whatever other team is winning instead.

  • Technical_Savings542B
    11 months ago

    As a fan who was at the game, stayed the whole game and cheered the whole game I hope that you enjoy your win and find more joy than trashing other teams fan bases. I was at the game last year too and listened to you boo your team off the field and count the play clock for Russ and Hackett. One big win does not a good fan base make. And trashing the opposing team’s fan base in your subreddit doesn’t make you look better. I had a great time surrounded by fellow chiefs fans and friendly broncos fans. People making these posts are the outlier. It’s OK for everyone to enjoy the game and support their team without putting other people down. Well played game by you guys! Looking forward to the rematch next year 🙌🏼

    • JunkSalesmanOPB
      11 months ago

      I’ve seen every team in the NFL come to Denver including the chiefs four times. Some fanbases are better than others.