I think i would call them “the FOTY” (Fails of the Year) lame name ik, but ideal an unimaginative for this kind of awards. The physical award would be a cheap resin shit emoji statue with a pair of googly eyes.
besides the GOTY categories, but reversed ( worst game of the year, worst narrative, worst audio, etc.) i would create the “Worst UI design”, the " Worst live service", the “Failed promise of the year” the “Worst sequel/expansion” “Worst remaster/remake”. “The greediest microtransaction of the year”. “Worst game director” “the most toxic community”.
Who will make it to this hypothetic infamous awards? Forspoken? Redfall? Gollum? Kong? Overwatch 2? who would host them? Geoffy boy? maybe Don Mattrick?
What do you think?
Most additional paid content that should’ve been part of the base game
most bugged/worst technical launch (new Pokemon, Cyberpunk etc)
best game with worst/most ridiculous plot (fighting games obviously)
most broken promises (cyberpunk 2077 and it’s metro system come to mind)
trailer “gameplay” footage that looked nothing like the final game