
I have 23 hours on kiriko and 19 hours on dva. I love playing them both

Even in support, i love to play Bap more and pick kiriko when situational. And in Tank, i really love to play dva so much, but I feel little pressure playing tank because I play not really well on dva and other Tanks, And I get complained sometimes and feel nervous to play Tank little bit. Support role is my comfortable role to come back to play when I get complained. Also, I feel little disappointed about dva emote that baby dva can’t do the emote.

You can add many reason like the effect,or sound effect of the skins if you want. You can ask more question to me. Maybe it will help me decide easily with the reasons you comment.

Thank youu

    • redfoxxy2004B
      1 year ago

      Pilot D.Va is imo her best skin yet but yeah the mech isnt that impressive.

      Like the color and all looks nice but it looks so basic.