Hey guys,

I was wondering if its only me, or are you also reporting way more players than some seasons ago? Is Riot not punishing players? Should reports which are not about abusive language receive more attention? Am I too sensitive or is the community becoming more and more negative?

I feel like I basically reported once in like 10 games some seasons ago, speaking about this and last season I literally report every second game.

  • BlakenedHeartB
    1 year ago

    I have to admit, sadly 8/10 games I report someone…But I usually report people for:

    Exaggerated flame.

    Intentionally feeding.

    Building wrong items and being arrogant on that. Like I swear you are eating a report from me every time if I see you with Statik shiv on Yone/Yasuo/Tryndamere OR Ravenous Hydra (unless you are Zed/Fiora/Camille though still feels questionable) in ARAM.

    Building Crown on Azir when the team needs a damage dealer.

    You are a Draven/Twitch main

    My jungler.