I know that when building a product, most of the focus is on making it work, or acquiring more users/paying customers, testing, etc.

But when you consider the business side of things, when do you think is the best time to intentionally set up structures in your business to regulate things like internal operations, team management, hiring, expense management, company culture building, and so on?

At what stage should I begin to obsess about those things and getting them right?

  • Whole-SpiritualB
    11 months ago

    I feel like I wait too long.

    I just work hard to get things going, then $ goes in and out of our account and I pay someone to clean up the mess later on. Systems? Google sheets, docs, notepads, calendars, calendar booking links, LinkedIn Nav, Hubspot, Xero.

    I just hire proper management then I just get out of the way. We went $0 to >$5MM and now >> and I haven’t tracked anything. Absolute zoo. Someone comes soon to clean my mess.

    For me I prefer to start making money and entrenchment, get amazing people in, then I add systems. But this is b2b. We do have some systems, cadences, but not much.