Every time a role or style of champion falls out of meta people complain, tank meta people hated it, assassin meta = not fair, bot meta too much reliance on 2 players jungle meta = broken role, all this sub does is cry about metas so let’s hear what you think is good then.
I think the ideal meta is when champions have set tempo and fall off. Adcs should always scale to late game. Bruiser should counter tanks. Assassins should be early game high risk vs reward. Mages should be burst damage and wave management. Enchanters should provide utility not damage.
I think when everyone has their role to play and team comp matters the game is fun and engaging. I think it feels bad when a champ has no downsides. Yone is good early mid and late game even if he isn’t fed he can kill your 6 item carry or tank. This is bad champ design. Then you have champs like tanks without % health damage who fall off late game and can’t 1v9 so they just lose if their team underperforms this is good champ design.
Riot has spent too much effort trying to make every champion have some form of %hp, true damage, and the ability to 1v9 at all stages of the game. It has made balance a nightmare and really taught players to ignore tempo and play until you coin flip late. In the past there were comps where you couldn’t afford a game to go late even if the enemy didn’t have late game carries because you would fall off. And vice versus for late game champs who couldn’t stall long enough. I’m not totally against level 11 being the new late game scaling benchmark for champs like kassadin, ryze, and kayle. I just wish for the days where a renekton, lee sin, etc would be bad after 30 minutes because defensive after core items removed their ability to 1v9.