I played a ranked game earlier as tank (masters) and I was under 100hp standing behind a Moira asking for heals.

She was tbagging an enemy and then we both died. I typed “Moira what was that?” And they proceeded to talk shit the rest of the game.

Now this is just one example, however, I find that almost 99% of the time I say ANYTHING whether that be pointing out mistakes, trying to be constructive, or even simply trying to coordinate twam plays, I just get attacked.

I was playing tank a few days ago and I had a Mercy Widow duo. The mercy wouldn’t support ANYONE other than the Widow and we got destroyed. Second round I asked if mercy can swap or at least help us more and then I again was just hit with rude remarks the rest of the game.

  • WhoopsAhoyB
    11 months ago

    Earlier I was in a comp match, playing reaper and i asked the mercy to heal me and my other teamate buts it and says “heal yourself smh”, like i’m sorry for asking my healer teamates to heal me, my mistake!