Basically, the title.

We saw a lot of 30+ pt games even 40-50 pt games by various different players in the last 3 years. (Even Players like Sadiqq Bey had 52)

Are the players, especially superstars just that talented that the defense best chance is to force them to their most inefficient spots and pray they will miss?

Or, maybe there are some truth that nba rules allow some “carrying” and “travelling” which makes already great players more unstoppable?

Or maybe the pacing of the game is just favored on offense. Cause casual nba fans like high scoring games, and see their favorite players scoring baskets rather than missing due to allowed tougher defense?

Or maybe it is just because of Steph’s 3 Pt Revolution Impact?

Or maybe Two or three things can be true at the same time?

Ofc, Superstars in every era will be Superstars in any Era. But aside from transcendental Players (Mjs and Lebrons of the world), In general, players today score more points than yester years.

Why is it easier to score 30 today? Or is it really easier?

  • beatrailblazerB
    11 months ago


    More emphasis on 3s

    Less emphasis on defense/rules benefit offense