Being unable to ping an ally’s ward from tab in the heat of a hectic fight so I can TP to it shouldn’t be blocked. It is literally game deciding to be able to clutch a ward TP for a fight, and there are multiple times when my teammates are unable to see the ping and just die or flame me after the fight for not being there. Like bro, I’m not gonna TP in the Baron pit just bc it’s the only ward near the objective.

I’m literally spam pinging my TP and a lot of players don’t realize who needs to ward sometimes.

I heard they are removing missing and alert pings from being used more than three times in a row now, which makes this exact issue worse, since I like to ping where I want the ward to be placed. I know I can use a need vision ping but now I’m forced to learn and use another key bind that wasn’t even necessary to begin with.

  • Nou1OneB
    1 year ago

    I hate the “Wait for” text, its just more information to read and changes nothing.