Surprised I haven’t seen this mentioned elsewhere yet, but I’ve been starting to suspect Pritchard may not be in your average shooting slump, but actually have the yips which he picked up sometime during last years playoffs.

Pritchard has always been limited physically, but he has always been able to shoot the basketball at a certain clip. We have evidence of this in real NBA action of a decent sample size. It seems like something flipped where he lost his confidence in last years playoffs, and since then in real game action his shooting splits are genuinely that of someone who isn’t even a basketball player.

I don’t believe that this is a manifestation of his physical limitations or a run of the mill shooting slump. The sudden lack of ability to even hit wide open corner threes at even a below average clip is eyebrow raising. It seems like he has something akin to a mental block or the yips where his confidence is gone and this may not be a fixable problem. Hope I am wrong because I’ve really liked Pritchard and we could use the help off the bench badly.

  • archerarcher0B
    11 months ago

    Yeah 100% I don’t know how you can argue otherwise

    He just simply isn’t taking the same shots he used to, he used to get a swing pass 5 feet behind the line and rip a deep three without thinking about it, now he looks scared to take a semi open shot off the catch

    Something isn’t right with him, I think his early struggles are fucking up his game, he’s gotta shoot through it though if he keeps playing scared he’s gonna play himself out of a job, his only value is his ability to get hot shooting and make momentum offensive plays