This post doesn’t apply to Master Yi, Bel’veth or Viego.

But for every other jungler in the game, I see them way too often playing as if their champion is the carry, a sentiment often perpetuated by the toxic mindset of ‘in soloqueue you have to carry no matter what’ that actually leads people to lose a lot of games.

The truth is, the carry is almost always the ADC, and they will be the decisive factor unless you snowball incredibly hard. The idea of a Warwick, Briar or Lee Sin dominating a game by their own is not representative of most games, and is overwhelmingly present in lower elos where good players can snowball out of control. For consistent, reliable wins, it is the adc that should carry the game, they (with the exception of previously mentioned picks like master yi) ARE the carries.

That is not to say, however, that jungle should be a ‘second support’. It just means that you arent meant to be the carry. I one trick Hecarim in Diamond, and I find victories to be way more likely if I funnel kills and gold into the adc, because I understand that even if selfishly getting everything will give me some advantage- truly consistent wins are tied to getting the ADC strong.

I feel like this has become even more apparent with the recent changes to the jungle, which caught many newer players off-guard. But the truth is, junglers shouldnt be able to do everything. Its fun and all to get super fed as hecarim, and that may sometimes even snowball into a win, but that is not the right way to play my champion. One must think of the most effective way to allocate gold in a team, as much as getting it in the first place.

  • LDNVoiceB
    11 months ago

    And you’re still in diamond because you don’t play hecarim like a carry, aka like the master + hecarims primarily do.

    Imagine playing a feast or famine champion and playing like a pussy god damn