So far this season (9 games in) I have enjoyed reading posts and posting in the GameDay threads. After watching last night’s game (Pacers) I was surfing the r/UtahJazz posts and noticed an article about THT and why he thinks we should believe in him.

Now I’ve read all the comments about him and Sexton and the rest of the Utah Jazz players and staff. Apparently, some of the players read these posts too. It got me to thinking about some of the things I’ve read and frankly, some of my own posts.

Coaches and players know what bad losses feel like, if you’ve ever coached a youth sport, you know. The fans(parents,families) really lose faith quickly. Second guessing coaches, players, the organization as a whole. They begin shouting at refs, expressing their negative opinions on the sidelines etc … Not a great environment for the players, or any of the participants for that matter.

I’m seeing a lot of that behavior this season with our favorite team. The amount of negative comments about THT, Sexton, Clarkson,just about every member of the team is just not good. If the players read these comments, it’s not good at all.

Some of the best teams start with the worst records. As you build, the winning usually takes care of itself. The atmosphere you build becomes the culture, culture attracts talent, talent affects winning, and the winning feeds the culture.

Yeah, we’ve seen some poor basketball this season and I can empathize with the other fans about those losses but let’s not tear the team apart from the inside out. Let’s respect the players, coaches and staff and support them with positivity. After all, Utah has a tough time attracting free agents when we’re winning, what do you think a bad team with terrible fans will attract ?

  • austinc668B
    11 months ago

    This is so corny, my god. They are professional athletes, it comes with the territory. It’s not like we’re @ing them on social media or DM’ing them. Of course some players and staff read stuff on social media and some avoid it. This isn’t breaking news.

    THT & Sexton are playing bad and keep making the same mistakes, fans are going to criticize their play. This happens with every fanbase.

    Our fanbase absolutely pales in comparison to big market teams in the amount of criticism they get. You should go look at Philly fans after they start losing as a prime example.

    Our fanbase may criticize players, but it doesn’t prevent us from cheering for them when they are playing. We have some of the most passionate & educated fans in the league and that is known. It’s okay to let out criticism of poor play, it’s okay to rant on here, there is a line and we aren’t crossing it.