I’ve embarked on an auditory odyssey over the years, meticulously curating a digital library of SACDs. The collection has blossomed to an impressive array of roughly 3,000 albums, encapsulating just under 10TB of pure, high-resolution audio bliss.

I’m reaching out to connect with enthusiasts who’ve also ventured into extensive SACD collections. If your passion for sonic perfection has led you to amass a similar trove, I propose a harmonious exchange. Let’s unite our efforts in expanding our libraries. Whether it’s a swap or a shared experience of albums the other may lack, the goal is to mutually enrich our digital collections.

Share your list, and let’s discuss potential exchanges! Our collective pursuit of acoustic excellence knows no bounds.

  • FartFacePooper69OPB
    11 months ago

    You’re right, a lot of these high-res gems do come from old-school analog tapes. But that’s part of the charm. Digitizing them gives those classics a fresh spin, making them sound crisp on today’s gear. It’s like giving a vintage wine a new glass to shine in.