Hey Bulls Nation,

I’ve got to vent my frustration about Patrick Williams, and I know I’m not alone here. I generally like the guy, and I was willing to cut him some slack because he’s been under a lot of heat lately. But after witnessing him getting blocked in transition on two consecutive key possessions, including a missed dunk, I couldn’t help but yell at the TV.

Here’s the deal – I’ve enjoyed rooting for Patrick, and we all understand he’s not the superstar, but his recent performance is just tough to watch. Check out these stats:

  • Points (PTS): 5.9
  • Rebounds (REB): 3.4
  • Assists (AST): 1.4
  • Field Goal Percentage (FG%): 34.0

I mean, seriously, it’s disheartening to see his lack of confidence and now his trade value plummet. I’m just worried that we might have broken him and with that missed a chance to get something ANYTHING in return.

And here’s the kicker: In typical Bulls fashion, we’ll probably watch him go to a new team and flourish after this season, right? That’s the kind of luck we’ve had over the years.

I still hope he turns it around, and have a glimmer of hope, but man this last game was rough, he wasn’t even being used as a primary defender, or rebounder.

Any thoughts, fellow Bulls fans? What’s your take on Patrick Williams and his future.

  • BlondBadBoy69B
    10 months ago

    The fans didn’t break him, the coaching and front office had a broken player. His level of play and where he was taken in the draft is why we are always talking about him. Fans didn’t draft him. Fans didn’t coach him. The guy was a backup in college and we drafted him 4th overall. This is what we deserve