But I feel like the next two weeks are going to dictate the entire 2nd half of the season.

2-0 - division looks good.

1-1 - wildcard is likely

0-2 - out of the playoffs.

I know, I know, I know,

The Browns could lose these two and have a shot, but we know the browns.

We either show up and take care of business or we fall on our faces, especially when momentum is against us.

Call me stupid. 1,2, ready, go.

  • BademosiPray4UB
    10 months ago

    I know they still have a shot even losing this Sunday but I’m of the opinion that this Sunday is what will define this season.

    A loss in Baltimore and I think they don’t make the playoffs at al for various reasons

    A win though, that’ll give them confidence and propel them into the following week to smack the steelers and really make a grab the division