Does anyone else feel like they are only actually playing League one out every 3 or 4 games at best? It seems like most games, one team or the other has someone mentally belly flop and throw a 3rd grade temper tantrum, or trying to all chat flame the enemy team into understanding that they are the better player, definitely, but here’s the only reason they are losing.

What do we do? How do we change this?

I don’t even think it’s toxicity anymore, I think it’s just players’ emotions ripping apart at the seems and their only way to approach the situation is to pass it along to anyone and everyone they can. Like they believe they can convince themselves that they didn’t play poorly this game, if they just turn into a bitter excuse for a human-being and give up.

Is the best defense to this to remove chat entirely? Mute all immediately and pray? Is it to act like momma pup, always licking the fur and picking up the runt of the litter, providing positive support?

“It’s okay Jhinny poo. A lot of people lose lane early. You’re just as good as the other kids. You’ll find your friends once you get to college!”

Does anyone have any words of wisdom? Do they know what works? Can I just get myself to 50% decent games of LoL? I really don’t even care if I lose, I just want it to feel semi-competitive.

Please, oh based Gods of Reddit. Lend me your minds. What do I do?

  • BeepBoopAnvB
    10 months ago

    Long gone are the days of best player wins and here is the worst player loses era. Unless you’re far and away better than you’re true rank, the games where you make a difference (assuming you don’t tilt) is getting smaller and smaller